
Ordering Corneas
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Cornea grafts last up to 14 days from the date of recovery. We generally provide corneas between day 1-7 within the USA and between day 7-14 for our international clients.

       We provide cornea tissue for PKP, EK and DSEK surgical procedures.

Cadaver donor bone grafts can provide an alternative to autologous tissue. Tissue can be kept in the operating room in either frozen or freeze dried form to allow a last minute decision on usage. 

Tendons & fascia

Soft tissue graft for sports injury repair, neurological covering,  and urologist repair of bladder dysfunction are available. These include Achilles tendon, Patella tendon, gracilous tendon, and Fascia Lata. Various forms including freeze dried and frozen tissue may be available.

Skin grafts

Split thickness skin tissue is made available for burn, trauma and wound closure patients. We also provide storage of autologous skin grafts for future surgical use.



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Copyright © 2012 California Transplant Services, Inc., a California Non Profit Public Benefit Corporation dba SafetyGraft. California Transplant logo and SafetyGraft are a trademark of California Transplant Services, Inc. All rights Reserved.
Last modified: December 14, 2012