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Organ and Tissue Donation FAQ's

  1. Is there any possible conflict between saving my life? and using my organs and tissues for transplantation?
  2. Is there ever any mutilation of the donor’s body?
  3. Will the recipients discover the identity of the donor?
  4. Will the donor’s family receive or pay any fees?
  5. Can one specify which organs or tissues are to be donated?
  6. Can one change one’s mind about donation?

Is there any possible conflict between saving my life and using my organs and tissues for transplantation?

Many safeguards exist to prohibit such conflict. Organ and tissue donation occurs only after all efforts to save your life have been exhausted and death is legally declared. The doctor who declares death is not the one who removes the organs or tissues.

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Is there ever any mutilation of the donor’s body?

No. No matter which organs or tissues are donated, great care and respect are always given to the donor’s body.

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Will the recipients discover the identity of the donor?

Donation is normally made anonymously. Recipients would be informed only if the donor wished them to be informed.

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Will the donor’s family receive or pay any fees?

No. It is illegal to buy or sell human organs and tissues. Costs for recovering organs and tissues for donation are never passed on to the donating family.

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Can one specify which organs or tissues are to be donated?

Yes. One, two or all organs and tissues may be specified.
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Can one change one’s mind about donation?

Yes. One can simply tear up the donor card. Follow local regulations for donor driver’s licenses.

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Copyright © 2001  California Transplant Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
Revised: November 21, 2008 .


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Copyright © 2012 California Transplant Services, Inc., a California Non Profit Public Benefit Corporation dba SafetyGraft. California Transplant logo and SafetyGraft are a trademark of California Transplant Services, Inc. All rights Reserved.
Last modified: December 14, 2012